Alliance for Professionalism in Dog Training
The Alliance has initiated a proactive, collaborative move toward licensing in the dog training profession with the goals of:
> Including our professionals’ voices and opinions in policymakers’ decision making,
> Protecting consumers and dogs from unqualified trainers, and
> Creating sensible laws that permit multiple pathways to licensure.
In 2020, two states introduced bills requiring professional dog trainers to be licensed, but they did so without the input of CCPDT, APDT, or our members or certificants. By proactively working with state legislatures, the Alliance will promote legislation that provides a consistent and sensible approach to licensing. To work with state legislatures most effectively, we have developed model licensing legislation that emphasizes the professionalism of certified dog trainers, helps ensure that consumers can obtain safe and effective training for their dogs, and protects dogs from sub-standard or dangerous practices.
We encourage all members of the dog training profession to participate and provide input. You can review and share feedback on the model legislation, read answers to frequently asked questions, and sign up to express interest in supporting state-level advocacy and other efforts.